We're still busy confirming an incredible speaker lineup for our conference. Speakers and breakouts will be added to this page as they are confirmed. To be the first to learn about any conference updates, subscribe to our email list.
A note on the language of “sides” and our community:
It’s no news that finding language to communicate our experience is a tricky thing. When you read the breakout descriptions, you might notice an array of terms used by individual speakers.
As a community that centers the historic sexual ethic in the lives of LGBTQ+/SSA people, many in our community relate to the term “Side B.” However, we recognize that not all in our community relate to this term and that it is not always helpful. Wherever you see the term “Side B” or “our community,” we ask you to think of “sexual and gender minority Christians who follow a historic Christian sexual ethic,” recognizing that this may include folks who choose not to use LGBTQ+ descriptors or who would describe themselves as “Side Y.”
Christian justice ministry and allyship are heavy topics to explore, especially when our community feels we are uniquely alone in the task. But what if there are Christian saints we can learn from who have not only survived but thrived through the struggle? Join us as we learn from Black Christian saints of the Civil Rights movement, whose faith provided them courage, perseverance, resilience, and unquenchable joy! Let’s discover fresh spiritual resources from the marginalized Church together and be reminded that we’re not building from scratch.
What does it look like for us, as LGBTQ+/SSA women, to navigate our attractions faithfully and without shame? Pull up a chair, take a sip of cider, and join us as we share honestly and openly about our experiences with crushes and attractions between LGBTQ+/SSA women. We hope to normalize women’s unique experiences, challenges, and questions while providing wisdom to navigate these attractions (and crushes) faithfully. At the end, there will be time for Q&A and conversation, during which we will learn from our community's collective wisdom.
How might the experience of “Third Culture Kids” help us navigate our own experience? In this session, we'll draw from research about and stories of third-culture kids (including Greg's own TCK experience as a missionary kid in Indonesia) to reflect on how LGBTQ+/SSA Christian faithfulness can also constitute a kind of "third culture." We'll discuss together what we can learn from TCK experience as we all navigate the challenges of culture-crossing in conversations about faith and sexuality.
What unique challenges and opportunities do Black Christians in our community experience? Black sexual minority Christians often find themselves at the intersection of many different worlds. Based on the tradition of sister circles, this breakout will be an informal panel discussion focused on discussing the lived experience of Black folks in our community. We will attempt to provide emotional and spiritual support to one another as we discuss the joys and challenges of being Black, LGBTQ+/SSA, and following a historic sexual ethic.
This space is designed for those who identify as Black LGBTQ+/SSA folks following a historic sexual ethic, whether or not you use LGBTQ+ descriptors. Black/African-American allies are also welcome.
help ministry leaders recognize the unique challenges faced by our community in the mission field and help others prepare as they consider serving in cross-cultural and global ministry! Our community can bring fresh ways of thinking, unique understandings of culture, and many other additional gifts to teams working cross-culturally around the world to advance the kingdom. At the same time, we can often feel very lonely and isolated, as if we are the only LGBTQ+/SSA person to wade into this work. We hope this can help connect people already working cross-culturally, help people prepare who are interested in working cross-culturally, and open the eyes of leaders on how to better support their missionaries.
What does it look like for us to thrive in communities that are more progressive than ours? We'll create space for those in secular careers or progressive cities to share experiences and tips, especially within LGBTQ+ and progressive Christian circles. Drawing from our time in San Francisco, LA, and DC, we'll also discuss the particular challenges of working in theater and human services. Rather than letting our environments intimidate us, we’ll discuss the blessings and opportunities that come with living in cities with a diversity of thought!
SUGGESTED AUDIENCE | LGBTQ+/SSA, Pastors/Ministry Leaders
How can we engage Scripture in ways that are uniquely edifying to us? In Nehemiah 8, the scribe Ezra reads and explains the law to the recently returned exiles, leading to transformation and renewal for God’s people. In the Christian life, we can experience this same renewing power as we engage Scripture with intentional spiritual disciplines. In this breakout, we will dive into the use of Scripture in spiritual formation and explore different practices that may benefit our daily lives.
SUGGESTED AUDIENCE | LGBTQ+/SSA, Pastors/Ministry Leaders
Let’s name our challenges so we can confront them! Navigating church as a gay person can feel like running through water while others run on pavement—slower, harder, and held back by something unseen. Minority Stress Theory addresses chronic stressors faced by marginalized groups, identifying their cost and offering tools to address this challenge. It helps us understand how we, as community members or allies, can address the personal and communal sin that weighs us down, making space for all sexual and gender identities to journey together.
Purity culture has given many same-sex attracted people an innate fear and distrust of any type of relational intimacy with other people of the same sex, even non-erotic intimacy. This talk will explore how we can shake off the shame-filled shackles of purity culture and move forward in Gospel-centered union while still seeking lives of integrity and faithfulness.
How do we make sense of our experiences of sexuality and faith over time? In this session, we will explore the Game of Life through one person’s transformative journey from “Side X” to “Side Y” and then finally on “Side B,” navigating the challenges, surprises, and joyful chaos of shifting perspectives along the way. Through personal stories and shared experiences, we'll uncover how these transitions can lead to a deeper understanding of community, faith, and the rebuilding of a vibrant (mostly) united Christian community.
How can LGBTQ+/SSA leaders thrive in ministry? LGBTQ+/SSA people are called into vocational ministry to love Jesus and the people of God, but navigating organizational dynamics and ministry situations amidst LGBTQ+ orientations can feel complex. In this breakout, we’ll consider a study of over 15 “Side B” LGBTQ+/SSA people who have worked for Christian organizations for 10+ years. In this study, they reveal rich insights about the personal, community, and organizational dynamics that have helped them persevere in ministry. This breakout will benefit both the LGBTQ+/SSA people who want to serve in ministry long term and the Christian organizations that wish to recruit and retain them for thriving Kingdom purposes.
This breakout highlights the voices of international “Side B” panelists sharing perspectives from outside the United States. It explores how cultural contexts uniquely affect “Side B” movements worldwide, the challenges of being ‘culturally downstream’ from US-based platforms, and the emerging issues global “Side B” Christians will face in the coming decade. By centering these diverse experiences, this session invites participants to expand their global vision of God’s work, strengthen solidarity with geographically isolated siblings, and celebrate God’s transformative power in every culture of the world.
What would happen if we transformed our experience of “loneliness” into the vibrant spiritual practice of solitude? Growing a rich practice and posture of solitude enables us to ground ourselves in our belovedness in God, which then deepens our ability to flourish in community. This breakout session will explore the unique joys and challenges of embracing solitude and provide practical ways to begin or deepen your journey in solitude as a spiritual practice.
Nehemiah offers us an example of spiritual leadership even while experiencing hardship and oppression. Before Nehemiah set out to build anything–even while living in enforced exile–he spent time in repentant prayer for his own sin as well as the cultural and generational sin of the entire community. What does it mean to engage in healthy repentance even while experiencing oppression, whether as an individual or a community? Even more, what does it look like for us to be leaders in repentance? Recognizing that the term “repentance” has been misused against our community–and yet is also a central discipleship practice of the Christian faith–we hope to reclaim the practice of healthy repentance for our community.
Queer Joy is the strange, supernatural joy that one gets from letting go and trusting the Lord. It is neither a cheap imitation nor an attempt to smother shame with a pride sticker or a cardigan in the closet. It is a joy that the world says is impossible, a joy promised to us by our Father, our birthright if you will. Queer Joy will explore what it looks like to move from a life in the closet, dealing with shame, grief, and isolation, into a life of real joy that is only found through the Lord. A joy that creates resilience, community, love, and delight.
What gifts does our community offer the local church, and how might we share those gifts? Hear from our panelists how their experience serving locally has blessed them and their church. We’ll honestly discuss both the joys and the challenges of sexual and gender minorities serving locally and what churches can do to empower faithful followers of Jesus to use their gifts for the Kingdom.
How do we shepherd others from a posture of love? Complex human experiences related to sexuality and gender will inevitably stir up fear, but we can learn to move past that fear into the love of God! Dan and Luke will combine their shared wisdom from the fields of spiritual direction and psychotherapy to aid pastors and ministry leaders in recognizing and moving out of fear so that love might bear fruit in their own lives and in the lives of those they shepherd.
How can pastors and ministry leaders better understand and support the emerging forms of kinship that “Side B” Christians are pursuing, both for their good and the whole Church? This breakout will explore the “old”/”new” forms of kinship that are emerging from LGBTQ+/SSA Side B Christians in contemporary times including [intentional community, chosen family, celibate partnerships, and more.] We will also provide practical steps and frameworks for how pastors and ministry leaders, particularly straight allies, can support Side B Christians in having faithful and flourishing lives. This presentation is for all but especially pastors and ministry leaders (whether LGBTQ+/SSA or straight) who might be engaging LGBTQ+/SSA people thinking through their vocations of kinship in contemporary times in light of the Kingdom of God.
How can Christians be friends, allies, and advocates for the LGBTQ+/SSA people around them? Join Misty Irons, a beloved friend of our community, in discussing practical ways that everyday Christians can walk alongside their LGBTQ+/SSA siblings. You’ll learn from allies who are walking the walk in their everyday lives. We’ll help you identify practices that you can engage in when you leave the conference!
Each of the four breakout blocks will have ONE breakout live-streamed for our online attendees. ALL breakout sessions will be professionally audio-recorded and uploaded for listening!
Note: Some speakers may not be featured on our website due to requested privacy and anonymity.
Most of our sessions (except for LGBTQ+/SSA Only sessions) are open to any attendee! However, we’ve tagged some key audiences for each session. We hope this helps you find the session that will best encourage you.
Allies: Tailored for parents, friends, and loved ones of LGBTQ+/SSA Christians who seek understanding and support.
Pastors: Geared toward pastors and other ministry leaders interested in engaging with LGBTQ+/SSA individuals and their communities.
LGBTQ+/SSA: Specifically for those within the LGBTQ+ community or individuals experiencing same-sex attraction, providing a safe space for discussion and exploration.
Newcomers: If this is your first Revoice conference, or if you’re still learning about our community, these sessions are perfect for you to get acquainted and find your place among us!
Returners: Welcome back! These breakouts are good for our long-time friends who have been part of the Revoice community and wish to reconnect with familiar faces but desire new discussions.
Next Gen: Crafted with the needs of teens and young adults in mind, ensuring that their voices and experiences are included and valued in our conversations.
Did you know you can sponsor one breakout session?
UNIVERSITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | 4540 15th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105