“All the people came together as one in the square...” (Nehemiah 8:1)
We want registration to be nice and easy for you, so you’ll see just a few ticket options, with options for:
• In-person or Online
• Students or General
To get the best price, register by January 1st for our early bird prices!
GENERAL | $239
STUDENT | $149
We think Revoice is better with friends, so we have group discounts starting with as few as 5 people. Group pricing is dynamic based on number in the party, so email conference@revoice.org to get your unique group discount code!
As you register, you’ll see options for “add-ons,” optional selections that can enhance your conference experience. We’ll be adding our Pre-conferences shortly, but make sure you pre-order your conference t-shirt, or make a donation to assist with our scholarship fund!
To gift a Revoice conference ticket, simply follow the regular purchase process. Once on the purchase page, select an option labeled “Give as a Gift” to complete the transaction as a gift.
UNIVERSITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | 4540 15th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105