About Us

The Revoice Story

Revoice was founded in 2018, when a group of Christians gathered to support and encourage each other in their faith. Most of them were gay/same-sex-attracted, and all of them believed that the Christian faith required them to live within the confines of a traditional sexual ethic. That first conference, and each of the events that have followed in subsequent years, was marked by joyful community, Spirit-filled worship, and challenging teaching.

Since that first year, Revoice has grown in more ways than one.

We’ve reached more and more people with the life-giving message that Biblical teaching about sexual ethics is not only livable, but it can be a source of meaning and life-giving significance.

People from 46 states have attended our annual conferences, and people from 39 countries from around the world have attended our virtual events. 

In addition to our annual conference, Revoice now offers a growing number of local chapters around the country where sexual minorities can find year-round community.

We also recently launched the Church Partnership Program where pastors can access high-quality training to help understand how to make their spiritual communities places where sexual minorities can thrive.

We anticipate the future!


To support and encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other same-sex attracted Christians—as well as those who love them—so that all in the Church might be empowered to live in gospel unity while observing the historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.



The process of becoming more like Jesus is central to the concept of discipleship and is therefore the fundamental journey of the Christian life.


All people are created in the image of God and therefore possess infinite dignity and worth.


God designed humanity to flourish in communities of spiritual family members who have become reconciled to their heavenly Father and to each other by the saving work of Jesus Christ.


Revoice exists because we want to see gay/SSA people who adhere to historic, Christian teaching about marriage and sexuality experience peace and belonging in their local faith communities. We envision a unified, faithful, and peaceful Church where these individuals are able to grow in holiness and in their knowledge of the scriptures, knowing that they are of infinite worth and value to their Creator; where transparency about one’s orientation and ongoing experience creates enhanced possibilities for local churches to utilize and celebrate the unique opportunities that these individuals have to serve the Kingdom of God; and where these individuals are welcomed into the lives of spiritual families so that all can grow together in their knowledge of God and his Kingdom.

Want to Know What We Believe?

Read our Statement of Faith

Thank you. Thank you for creating a space where my son could be himself, where he could see the love of Jesus lived out among people who share similar experiences with him. To see my son welcomed and accepted right where he is at was a gift. Every moment God was present and at work. In my own heart and I just continue to savor it. Thank you for all your hours of hard work. I am immensely thankful for you and all at Revoice who are intentional in creating a space for Christians and seekers who are sexual minorities.



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