BUILD: Behind the Design
"I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me... They replied, 'Let us start rebuilding.' So they began this good work."
— Nehemiah 2:18
Serving as the lead designer for Revoice is a meaningful experience because I get to “make pretty things for Jesus.” While that might seem like a glib statement, it is a delight and privilege for me to design for you, dear reader. I imagine you as a unique being with a unique story. You are with me in this shared sacred space of Revoice. I might look pretty typical in my home office, which contains a desk and far too many plants crowding out my three screens. But when I sit at my computer, I am thinking of you. How can I best serve you using Adobe Illustrator, my Macbook, and a Wacom tablet?
Revoice25 "BUILD" Conference Logo — Kendyl Adams | 2024
I also think of you as someone who has a measure of warmth toward Jesus and is somewhere on the journey of figuring out how to have him as a vital part of your life. So, one of my favorite things about designing the look for the conference is figuring out how to bring the theme to life in a way that sparks a greater warmth in you for Jesus, no matter how tiny. In the process, I also get a fresh glimpse of God’s love for me and a renewed tenderness in my relationship with him.
Take our “BUILD” theme for Nehemiah, which serves as the theme of our Revoice25 conference. The first part of my process was to read the book of Nehemiah again. As someone who arguably spent too much of her life in Sunday school and who read the Bible multiple times as a way of proving herself, I thought I knew the story of Nehemiah well. I thought I could check the main storyline off of a list. He hears about the need of his people back in Israel? Check. Gets the approval of the king? Check. He works with the people to finish building a wall…spoiler alert: check. Has a big celebration with all the thankful people to end the story and walks off into the sunset….welllll...surprise…not really.
As I began to read and reread the book of Nehemiah, I saw some of what I expected. He listened to what the people told him was needed for his project. Then he prayed, set his heart before God, and worked with the king. He knew what elements would be required to build the wall. He had setbacks and attacks in the process.
Just as Nehemiah prepared for his project in a very intentional way, I did, too. I prayed, searched for illustrations and recreations of Ancient Near Eastern architecture, and got collaborative insight. I talked with Art Pereira (Director of Events and Partnerships) and Michelle Sanchez (Revoice Executive Director) to see if my thoughts made sense to them. We discussed how to incorporate some of those ancient artistic elements and colors into the logo for accuracy. I chose bold letters to convey the strength and safety those walls would have given the people of Nehemiah’s day. We planned to add blue and yellow (found in the Istar Gates) along with purple to speak to the royal dignity God builds within us. We discussed adding green and even some leaves to the design as a way of subtly communicating growth and discipleship. Up to this point, I could find loose correlations between Nehemiah and my design process.
Here’s where I was surprised with Nehemiah. I was surprised to not find an “end of the story” resolution with details of a finished project and celebration in the last chapter. Instead, Chapter 5 (around the middle of the book) mentions the wall was only half-built. Then, Chapter 6 barely mentions the completion of their accomplishments. Instead, it mentions the enemies heard they rebuilt the wall. That’s it. No celebration with the people was recorded at that moment. Just words about life moving on to the next thing.
Weirdly, this logo process did a similar thing. If you were at our Revoice 24 conference, you saw a grey and white logo version because it wasn’t completed on time for our announcement. This build design took time to grow and take shape. In fact, like Nehemiah’s written timeline, this logo’s story isn’t over just because it’s finalized. It will appear in emails and on social media and will “live on” in the Revoice 25 conference merch. Even as we gather at the conference this logo symbolizes, we’ll build friendships together and grow with what we learn, but that will be our “Nehemiah 6.” We will move from the emotional high of that moment into the rest of our chapters. Just like building the wall wasn’t the end of the book of Nehemiah, this logo/theme will not be the end of the story but a milestone on the journey of what God is doing in us and among us.
One more thing surprised me as I read Nehemiah.
Did you know that different people each took part in building portions of the wall? I didn’t. I always pictured capable construction workers putting together the beams that gave it shape (can I get a “whoop whoop,” lesbians?) However, that’s not what Nehemiah records. Did you know part of the wall was built by a goldsmith and another by a perfume maker? I didn’t. I got curious about the details and found one section was built by a father with his daughters—what was their story? The high priest and other priests were responsible for another portion, and of all the parts of the wall recorded in chapter three, theirs was the only portion that was officially dedicated while in the process of building it.
As the hints of people’s stories came to life for me, I also thought of you as an individual who makes up the story of the larger Revoice community. So, in honor of you, there is intricate line work within the makeup of the strong letters in this logo. In the circles, lines, leaves, and arches, you are represented for the individuality you bring as part of our collective.
The people of Nehemiah’s day built a physical framework for safety, protection, renewed worship, and a cultural identity. We are doing the same, even if not in quite as literal a shape. As part of our individual tasks, we each have something unique to add to this collective build.
As I close my laptop on this particular design, my heart is with you, and my prayer is for you. In the months ahead, as you ponder the Revoice25 “build” design from time to time, may your own heart be warmed to these realities: God is with you, and God is calling you to contribute the best of who you are to God’s larger story. Can’t wait to see you in Seattle!