Refreshing Intimacy

April 2023 Devotional

[R]ather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!—Philippians 2:7-8 


Let's pause and take a moment to quietly center our hearts on Jesus. Breathe in and out slowly for a few minutes, and welcome Him into your day. Good morning!

Last weekend Christians across the world pondered the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice, we get to experience eternity with God. We get to experience it today and every day.

Recently, an incident triggered some very big, hard emotions in my life. I had offered to do something kind for a friend, and I was rejected, it was hard, awkward, and uncomfortable. In theory, I could have just shrugged it off. After all, I know the truth about me, my character, and the situation. Why should it bother me any further than a simple, random misunderstanding with someone who doesn't even know me that well? But, alas, that is not how the heart works sometimes. 

As the days passed, the hurt around this little incident deepened and grew into physical pain and sadness that I could feel everywhere in my body, and I didn't know why. A couple of friends and my therapist offered suggestions as to why I could be feeling this way, but nothing seemed to fit. Until, after a long pause in my therapist's office, when I got a picture of a moment in my history:

I was about 12, and I had just gotten out of the shower and put my pajamas on when I saw my dad was working on his laptop at his desk. My little girl heart was delighted at the sight of him, and I wanted to give him a big, surprise hug. Unfortunately, he wasn't wearing a shirt, so when I hugged him, my long, cold, wet hair fell on his back. He pushed me off angrily and yelled at me for being inconsiderate. It was startling, scary, and confusing.

My therapist and I sat quietly, making space for my younger parts, who were asking to be heard. Then, she asked me (this is not typical of our therapy sessions) to picture Jesus. And consider how He would have responded if my long, cold, wet hair fell on his back… I listened, and I heard Him say, "Ah, refreshing." 

Dear friends, He meets us where we are. He meets us in our everyday joys, hurts, desires, needs, and more. He approaches us with a heart of love and gentleness, having sacrificed Himself so that we may know the Father's love. As you go forth from a weekend contemplation of His death and resurrection, may your faith be refreshed by His vast and loving invitation for intimacy with you.

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