Speaker Information Formats


  1. Choose which combination of first, middle, last name you prefer

  2. If you’re going by a pseudonym for anonymity, put that first and in bold

  3. Any and all titles, certifications, surnames, and pronouns will go in the bio


  1. Title: no more than 6 words or around 30 characters*

  2. Subtitle: no more than 8 words*

  3. Give a brief description of around 3 to 4 sentences*

  4. You can add intended or excluded audience (ie. for SSA/LGBTQ+ only)

  5. Any trigger warnings

  6. Primary scripture reference

  7. Give us two examples of something God made and two examples of something human-made to help us with our conference theming this year


  1. Keynote speakers | 2-4 sentences (60 words or fewer)

  2. Workshop speakers | 1-2 sentences (35 words or fewer)

Image Examples

  1. The higher resolution the better (nothing under 400 kb)

  2. Color, not black and white

  3. Simple backgrounds

  4. Have your face fill at least 1/3 of the image


Shows personality, sizing is good, simple background, clothing shows with crops (no pseudo-nudes)

Has personality; gives options for crop size; simple, high-contrast background

perfect for anonymity


Bad lighting with shadows on his face

Background too busy

Difficult for cropping, background too busy

Adorbs, great background, but very difficult for cropping

Thank you so much for doing your part to ensure zero grumpy designers!