That You Would Call Me friend

May 2023 Devotional

Who am I, that you would call me friend?” I heard that question in the middle of a song (Jesus What A Friend, by Tasha Cobbs Leonard) while I was making my morning smoothie and it immediately brought me to a pause. As the song continued to wash over me, I began to think about the magnitude of that question. You see, scripture provides us with so many wonderful names for Jesus and who he is to us. He is Redeemer (Ephesians 1:7), Counselor (Isaiah 9:6), and Advocate (1 John 2:1), just to name a few. Those are names for Jesus that we would not readily forget. You know what I can sometimes forget? That Jesus also called US his friends. 

In John 15:14-17, The King of Kings calls us friends of his. To be called a friend is a precious thing, but for Jesus to call us friends is life-changing. I know that when I think of that, my first thought is that I am not worthy of such a title from him. I think of all the ways I've failed (and continue to fail), of all the times I have disobeyed and strayed. I just simply don’t feel good enough for that title. Which is true. I am not, and neither are you. Thank God that his truth trumps our feelings. The truth is, no matter how we feel, Jesus is a friend to sinners (Matthew 11:19). 

Because of Jesus and his finished work on the cross, I am made worthy of that title, and so are you. What does scripture say about who we are that Jesus would call us that? We are; chosen (Ephesians 1:4), his workmanship (Ephesians 2:10), citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20), and righteous and holy (Ephesians 4:24). God, through Christ, makes us all those things, and grants us the honor of friendship with Jesus. It is a lot to take in, but it’s true. To be a friend is to love, and Jesus loves us deeply. In fact just before he called us friends, he stated “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). So wherever you are today, remember that Jesus calls you his friend. You are his, and he is yours. 

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Henry Wasonga Abuto

Originally from Kenya and currently based in Fort Worth, Texas, Henry is a Christian man who writes on Faith, Friendships, Sexuality, Race, Social Justice, Jesus, and a host of other topics. Lover of hosting dinner parties, running, live music, deep friendships, red wine, Beyonce, and all things Texas.

“Writing has long been an outlet for me to better express my feelings, thoughts, concerns, and ideas—it helps me understand myself more deeply, and sometimes I think my reflections are worth sharing with others. In my contributions to Revoice’s ‘Our Voices’ Blog, I’m especially passionate about exploring themes of empathy, justice, hospitality, and dismantling white supremacy, particularly within the Church.” — Henry


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