The Holy Ghost

written by Reuben Kendall

Antiphonal call and response. Call in plain font, congregational response in italics. 

Tone: liturgical, ornate, gorgeous, magnificent, cosmic, exultant. 

Most Holy Spirit, eternally proceeding from the Ancient Maker 

who shaped the Cosmos and all within it, 

as you descended in the beginning upon the primordial waters  

a world still unborn stirred under the bright wings of your blessed presence, 

taking shape; 

So by your work it was accomplished  

that when the Maker named it, each piece of the whole creation 

heard itself summoned and emerged, 

eager and beautiful in its distinctness; 

May it be so with us! 

Descend upon us now!   

By the warmth of your life giving presence, grow in our hearts  

the same anticipation and delight by which all that was made 

rejoiced to hear itself named and sprang forth to participate 

in the dance of creation; 

By your movement, oh most Holy Spirit, 

let us also rejoice to hear ourselves named; 

may we not remain hidden and afraid beneath shapeless waters,  

but emerge, as radiant and unashamed as the stars 

which first came out in the young night sky, 

as glad as every living thing which burst forth 

to fill the earth with joyful noise; 

May it be so with us! 





The Rose